To remain the competitive in the market ASDA’s products must be matched with the reasonable price, quality and availability into the market. In addition regularly innovation, product differentiation, product development, brand development, distribution, marketing communications and research will be carried out to stay in the competitive market. The competition mainly based upon the price, which in turn resulted in the low profit margin that affecting growth. So, ASDA should emphasis more on the other avenues such as product and process innovation. Company may need to adopt a new view of how to craft their strategy.
The overall evaluation is that the ASDA Company in the market is serving as a leading competitor. Most of the products are customer oriented and holding superior customer value.
The innovative feature which is a new observation along with company’s existing brands no other brand is containing this rare feature. In addition distinctive competencies is one of the main strength of ASDA company.
Low price in comparison with other competitive products in the market ASDA charges a lower price that provides an additional advantage in technological observation.
The manpower in addition demonstrates the key strength of the company as well.
Lack of market information lack of market information sometimes crucial for launching new products and is often questionable.
High preservation cost in addition has added an extra dimension that is more than others.
Increasing demand because of extensive growth of people, they are demanding more and more of the food products. So there is a possibility that demand will increase in the future ahead. That leads the company to increase the market size (Kotler, 2008).
Low technology cost as with the technological innovation it is possible to push the product to the customer’s hand by a click. Low technological cost has a prior opportunity for the company to achieve maximum profit in serving the customers quickly.
Increasing competition with the technological innovation competition is increasing day by day (Kotler, 2008).. For this reason the competitive environment forces the ASDA Company to get better opportunity in the retail market while seeking their profit.
Threats of new entrants in addition may exhibits in the upcoming days and contribute a grater access in the market.
Variety in Customer tastes and preferences -customers change their taste and preference in such as way that sometimes quite understandable to the markets it may be a thereat foe the company.
Scenario management should identify and encourage generating ideas from groups who tend to be underrepresented in strategy making: employees who are youthful perspectives and who are new to the company are capable of producing challenging orthodoxy and stimulating new ideas. The competition trends in the future will be based on price, customer feed back and rising of superstars. Moreover, customer relationship management, supply chain management and rising online trading have strong command in retail industry (Kotler, 2008).
Michel porter has identified five forces that determine long run profit attractiveness of the market or market segment. ASDA’s position in the supermarket within the retail food industry is good. ASDA should take various forms to prevent and influx of the company. ASDA has a strong position to face the threats of intense segment rivalry and threat of new entrants along with these it has a differentiation among it products that make them compatible with in the supermarket. Besides these with increasing the bargaining power of the customers the ASDA’s product represents significant fraction of the buyer costs. In addition supplies have the powerful position in building win-win relationships that assists them to dominant in the market (Kotler, 2008).
ASDA should take their operational strategy model. At the heart of industry are competitors and their competitive strategies it is important to look at their strategies and following this it is more rational to change mostly pricing strategy if it is not effective. In addition to these to cope with the challenge it should focus on customer oriented arrangement where customer will be the main focus. According to Sparks there should be cleaner communication strategy to the customers in achieving the targets. Besides these pricing and distribution, position strateggies can be changed to adjust with the customers demand and supply.
ASDA has both the internal and external stake holders. The key stakeholders of the ASDA retail business is the owner of the ASDA’s business. The owners of ASDA take risk through investing in a business and may be rewarded in the form of dividends. In addition the other stake holders are the government, competitors, local community, suppliers, customers, employees, managers, directors and operatives.
The action plan should well fit with the objectives that ASDA wants to achieve. Team action plan will provide framework for guiding the efforts of the team. Stakeholders can influence in achieving goal. They work hard together to provide a better service for the customers ultimately to reach their goal efficiently. In addition they are the keys to implement the action plan so that goals can be achieved which is the main reason that appeal to them.
The team was organized in such away in which each member was given responsibility for designing, organizing, directing and controlling the work system that they will use in performing an interrelated set of tasks. In the typical arrangement the work flows from one worker to the next, and each worker had a specified job to perform. Since it was a work team the group itself decided how jobs will be allocated to individual following the action plan. In addition the performance of each individual was monitored and controls to implement action plan so that the team works effectively in a cohesive fashion (Newstrom & Davis, 1995). Since the functions and all the activities were carried out effectively according to the team action plan these showed a wonderful result in completing tasks in time.
The key strength of the team process is decentralization i.e. the power, responsibility and authority were delegated as far down as possible, placing the control over work squarely in the hands of those who actually do it. In addition expertise members, effective communication, quick decision making skills along with the cooperative tendency of the individuals were the main strength of team organization (Medsker & Campion, 1997).
There was a commitment of each member of the team to achieve its objectives. Team commitment along with communication and information exchange through top to bottom level provided us a good result in achieving objectives. Moreover, each individual of this team is a part or has a role to play in coordinating and decision making to reach its ultimate destination. In addition each member behaved cooperative manner with each other and the leader played an important role in coordinating the team work and its members so that it can run smoothly. Team leaders play an important role in achieving the objectives (Griffin, 2010). Sometimes excessive controlling power and authority from leader, incompatible individuals, personal conflicts and selection of right members for the fittest job hindered to achieve the objectives.
In a team all members work together to be more effective. Building a team encouraged team members to work together, to identify their problems and to develop more effective ways of cooperating. By understanding the true things that the team approach is powerful to make decision effectively and efficiently which is more concern for now a day. This thought had been lead to the improvement.
In a team with considerable experience, members learnt how to assist each other that will help them how to work in an organization. Each member learnt how a tem member plays an important role in achieving the overall performance in an organization. From team-working members have now much energy and creativity that they can use for further at their work. Even now they can utilize themselves in seeking the opportunity and explore other competitive scope.
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